Dear Parents/Guardians,
I am excited to invite all Scouts and Seniors to an afternoon of theatre at the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre, Guildford, on Saturday 26th November 2022.
We will attend the matinee performance of ‘An Inspector Calls’ starting at 14:30. The group will arrange transport to and from the theatre, picking up and dropping off at the Scout hut. I will confirm times nearer the day.
The theatre has kindly offered us a discount, bringing stall ticket prices down to £35.50.
I cannot stress enough the incredible value for money of this production and it has been touring on and off since 1992, winning a handful of awards along the way. The play offers a gripping insight into our daily decisions and challenges the audience to examine their conscience.
On a personal note, I saw this production for the first time at Scout age at Woking Theatre and it was fundamental in my decision to work in professional theatre as a career. The production values match that of any London West End show, mainly because of this production originally performing at the National Theatre before going on tour. It is very rare that you can access theatre of this class locally and at this cost.
The theatre is confident this production will sell out (it does at every venue) and cannot reserve tickets for very long. All monies need to be paid in full by the 25th May 2022.